Omicron Persei 8

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Omicron Persei 8
Omicron Persei 8.jpg
Omicron Persei 8 in the year 3000 [1ACV12]
StarOmicron Persei
Inhabited byOmicronians
Ruled byLrrr
First appearance"When Aliens Attack" (1ACV12)

Omicron Persei 8 is a planet situated about 1000 lightyears from Earth, in orbit around the star of Omicron Persei. The rulers of the planet are Lrrr and his wife Ndnd. Its surface seems to consist mainly of deserts. It is the home world and capital of the warlike Omicronians, the single greatest threat Earth and the entire Democratic Order of Planets are facing. It seems to have a small, asteroid-like satellite. [1ACV12] In addition to this, there are hundreds of small moons in the planet's low orbit. [7ACV16]

In 3017, Fry travelled to Omicron Persei 8 to retrieve an artifact that would help clear the universe of hypnowaves. Lrrr, upset because he was using the artifact to steal cable channels from Earth, invaded New New York, and wouldn't leave until President Nixon turned Fry over to him. The Omicronians were surprised that the Earthicans put up such a fight, and decided to call off their attack. However, Lrrr and Ndnd remained on Earth, along with a replica of the Omicronian Palace and several other Omicronian buildings.

Places of Interest

Neighboring Planets and Asteroids

Main article: Omicron Persei System

The Omicron Persei system contains at least 27 planets, as Omicron Persei 27 has been mentioned and the number indicates which planet in the system is being referred to, with the highest numbers being furthest from their stars. Omicron Persei 8 is neighbored by the planets Omicron Persei 7 and Omicron Persei 9 as have been referenced by Ndnd. This is a reference and a gag on the common Earth expression, and book by John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, the planets that "surround" Earth on either side of its orbit. It is merely meant to hyperbolically portray the large gap in cultural understanding between the sexes.

In "T.: The Terrestrial", it is shown that the planet has hundreds of small moons in its low orbit. Its "third moon" is mentioned by Lrrr in "Spanish Fry".

Additional Info

The Omicronian flag [US#017]


  • The name of the planet is based off of Omicron Ceti III in the Star Trek series.
  • The Omicronian flag is red and has the letter "O" and the AL1 symbol for the number 8 on it.
  • Omicron is a planet, rather than a star, featured in The Omicron Invasion (1984), the ninth book of a series by Stephen Goldin and E. E. Smith.
  • Leela implies that the planet has a lot of sulfuric acid and giant lizards on it. [7ACV16]
  • In "Simpsorama", Ndnd says that Lrrr turned off the planet's atmosphere. Disputed canon


    Ndnd: It is true what they say... Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9.

    Lrrr: One of these days, Ndnd... [Points into the air.] Bang! Zoom! - Straight to the third moon of Omicron Persei 8!


Worlds of Tomorrow

Space Missions

Name Planet Fuel needed Unlock requirements Enemies
Shipping District:
Cable Guy
"The crew tries to get the Artifact from Lrrr."
Omicron Persei 8
Path 1: 10
Path 2: 15
Any character
Omicronian Guard Enemy.png Giant Space Bee WOT.png
Omicronian Guards Giant Space Bee
Lrrr Enemy.png Ndnd Enemy.png
Lrrr Ndnd

Temporary Space Missions

Name Planet Fuel needed Unlock requirements Enemies
Animal Instincts Weekend:
Animal Instincts
"The crew collects exotic lizards from the planet's surface."
Omicron Persei 8
Path 1: 9
Locked 1 (Level 5): 11
Locked 2 (Level 10 left path): 12
Locked 3 (Level 10 right path): 12
Delivery character level 5
Delivery character level 10
Omicronian Guard Enemy.png Poppler Enemy.png
Omicronian Guards Popplers
Party on Omicron:
Back to the Grind
"A good, old-fashioned delivery."
Omicron Persei 8
Path 1: 12
Locked 1 (Level 8): 16
Locked 2 (Level 14): 18
Locked 3 (Level 18): 18
Locked 4 (Level 22): 18
Delivery character level 8
Delivery character level 14
Delivery character level 18
Delivery character level 22
Paramecium WOT.png Giant Space Bee WOT.png Robot Pirate WOT.png
Paramecium Giant Space Bee Robot Pirate
Space Bee Weekend:
Hexagon Hunting
"There's six sides of scary."
Omicron Persei 8
Path 1: 23
Path 2: 23
Path 3: 24
Path 4: 24
Locked 1: 25
Locked 2 (right): 26
Locked 2 (upper left): 24
Locked 3 (upper center): 26
Locked 3 (upper right): 25
Locked 4 (left): 24
Locked 4 (right): 25
Locked 5 (left): 26
Locked 5 (right): 25
Requires Bender
Bender Lvl 8
Bender level 10
Bender level 12
Bender level 14
Giant Space Bee WOT.png
Space Bees
Space Bee Weekend:
Journey to the Center of the Hive
"The crew gets up close and personal."
Omicron Persei 8
Path 1: 25 Requires Bee Bender
Giant Space Bee WOT.png Queen Bee Enemy.png
Space Bees Space Bee Queen