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Revision as of 22:49, 22 August 2006

US Issue Number: 013
UK Issue Number(s): 015, 016
Title Caption: Stick a fork in it...it's fun!

The Story

Act I:

After bender’s cooking puts the planet express crew to sleep, Bender searches for a way to spice it up from a black market. The store owner gives him pepper which was banned since it killed a species of invading aliens. Bender is then fired after his food kills the health inspector and the only job he can find is cooking for the Robot Devil. who is then also killed from his cooking. This causes robots to stop coming to the church of robotology, and in the last moment of need, the preacherbot turns to bender to be the new Robot Devil.

Act II:

With Leela and Fry as his minions, Bender ends up turning robot hell into a paradise for sinners. Fry then has to remind Bender that he has to torture the robots. Bender finds that being the devil is too hard work and runs off to work in a soup kitchen. Fry and Leela follow him and they all find the robot devil that faked his death to get a vacation on the sun. While they were gone all the sinners escaped so the devil uses a sin magnet to bring them back to hell. Bender is then revealed to be the reincarnation of the robot Buddha.

Additional Info


  • This was the first issue to be split in half in the UK


  • Fry: Holy cow! Bender walked through a wall. Maybe he really is the devil...or a ghost that just wants to be friendly.

Leela: When you're done being an idiot, help me find a switch on this wall.

  • Robot Devil: Bwah ha-ha-ha-ha!. I'm sorry. I just remembered a joke Robot Hitler told me this afternoon.


(In alphabetical order)

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