SpongeBot SquareBolts

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Tertiary character
SpongeBot SquareBolts
SpongeBot SquareBolts.png
SpongeBot being held by Abner Doubledeal (6ACV21).
First appearance"Yo Leela Leela" (6ACV21)
Voiced byBilly West

SpongeBot SquareBolts is a robot who is a popular children's television star. In July 3011, Abner Doubledeal stated that he believed that Rumbledy-hump, a series he produced with Turanga Leela, would become so popular that its popularity would even surpass that of SquareBolts' series.

He is reminiscent of SpongeBob SquarePants, the title character of the animated television series of the same name, which ran on Nickelodeon in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Additional Info



    SpongeBot SquareBolts: I interfere with pacemakers!
