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Something i hated in the movie was the inconsitoncy of the time travels. Sometims when you go back you change things; other times you were already there and had already changed it! =-P

The Enemy's Gate is down

As I see it, if you travel back in time with no intention of altering history and don't do things you know with absolute certainty shouldn't happen, or likewise do only things that you know you were required to do, then it may effect nothing. Doing things that weren't supposed to happen creates potential problems, I'd expect it to create alternate timelines, which it does in the movie to an extent. But the transition between realities doesn't seem to actually happen, if it did there'd be no need for paradox correction. - Quolnok 22:08, 21 January 2008 (PST)
I realised this, and it absolutely PISSED ME OFF. This is how I see it - Every inconsistancy simply adds to the paradoxes at the end of the film. But it does make me utterly infuriated... It's either one or the other: Pre-destination paradoxes, or a flexible timeline. I like to think that the former is more realistc and likely, albeit far less dramatic. --Fatt Daddy Inc. 12:20, 10 September 2008 (BST)
Unlike other science fiction, I am unsure that Futurama takes its own time travelling serious. And I think for that reason, the time travelling seen in this film will ultimately be inconsistent, regardless of theory. --SvipTalk 12:27, 10 September 2008 (BST)
I'm considering creating an article on time travel, given that it appears in a few episodes, a film, the game and some comics. Although I'm fairly certain there are paradoxes left over in all cases, this is undoubtedly the messiest time travel. Such an article could end up quite large as we attempt to argue multiple viewpoints - which is a good thing. - Quolnok 14:24, 10 September 2008 (BST)
The article is a good idea, and I think it will make a good addtion. Back to the temporal side of things: I'm a bit of a stickler for correct Time Travel, and as much as I ABSOLUTELY LOVE FUTURAMA (I wouldn't be talking to you all if I didn't), this is one thing that I really take issue with. Take 'The Why of Fry' for example: Why would future-Fry disappear after pushing past-Fry into the Freezer?! He didn't CHANGE anything? (Even if he did, he shouldn't fade away anyway, but it's more accepted in media)... Anyway, I hope with all of my heart that the writers have a trick up their sleeve in the later films to clear all of this up; after all, sceenjabber.com said that Bender's Game clears some loose ends up (maybe even the mysterious "other" quote from Nibbler?)... We'll see... --Fatt Daddy Inc. 03:03, 11 September 2008 (BST)
A nexus point might have some kind of tether that pulled Fry back to the point of origin, i.e. the Infosphere... - Quolnok 05:58, 11 September 2008 (BST)
And he did change the transportation device Nibbler were to give Fry, which in turn made the whole mission possible. --SvipTalk 11:36, 11 September 2008 (BST)
No... he changed that after he began to fade away. Although, Quolnok, you may be right; but what dictated the time he could spend in the past? It seems oddly convienient that he could push himself in before he faded away...? Oh well, in the epic words of Ken Keeler in the BBS commentary "That's writing, baby!" --Fatt Daddy Inc. 13:43, 11 September 2008 (BST)
There's exactly three options when there's a tether; he leaves at the completion of the task, he hangs around awkwardly for a time (amusing on occasion, but might start to feel overused) or he leaves before finishing (which would obviously be a bad idea). I can't think of a good non-writing reason, except perhaps the nexus point being the only time period he can visit and the nexus only exists during those few minutes. - Quolnok 15:09, 11 September 2008 (BST)

back in time only?

I would say that you have a time paradox duplicate when you go either forward or backward to a time where you exist. If you go forward and meet the future version of yourself, one of you is a paradox duplicate. In The Late Philip J. Fry, they squished the duplicates that were the future versions of themselves native to that time. Basically, "A time paradox duplicate is created whenever a two copies of the same person exist at the same time as a result of time travel" One could add that the duplicate to be destroyed is whichever one is more interesting to the "plot of the universe" —JediRogue 03:22, 29 December 2010 (CET)

Uhm... well, yes and no. The article is referencing the time travel in Bender's Big Score, where the term 'time paradox duplicate'. From what I gather in the commentary to "The Late Philip J. Fry" - I have not obtained the DVDs myself yet - even the writers concur that it is technically not a paradox, since the other characters arrived from another universe/instance of the universe/timeline rather than from the same timeline/universe/instance.
Which I will contest is not a paradox and thus not a time paradox duplicate. And you can only really create time paradox duplicates if you travel backwards in time (if we assume for the sake of argument that travelling around the universe and going back is different).
Alternatively; have this discussion in a better prose in the article. --Sviptalk 12:59, 29 December 2010 (CET)