All the Way Down

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Season 8 episode
Broadcast season 11 episode
All the Way Down
All the Way Down Looking at Simulation.jpeg
The crew look on at the Professor's universal simulation.
Production number8ACV10
Written byDavid X. Cohen
Directed byIra Sherak
Title captionVENI, SEDI, VIDI.
First air date25 September, 2023[1]
Broadcast numberS11E10
Title reference"Turtles all the way down" theory
Opening cartoon"Pong" by Atari (1972)


Season 8
  1. The Impossible Stream
  2. Children of a Lesser Bog
  3. How the West Was 1010001
  4. Parasites Regained
  5. Related to Items You've Viewed
  6. I Know What You Did Next Xmas
  7. Rage Against the Vaccine
  8. Zapp Gets Cancelled
  9. The Prince and the Product
  10. All the Way Down
← Season 7

"All the Way Down" is the one hundred and fiftieth episode of Futurama, the tenth of the eighth production season and the tenth of the eleventh broadcast season. It aired on 25 September, 2023[1], on Hulu.


Act I

Act II



The writer of record for this episode is David X. Cohen.[2]


Additional information


  • The title caption spoofs the Latin phrase Veni, vidi, vici which means "I came; I saw; I conquered". Veni, sedi, vidi instead would mean "I came; I sat; I watched".
  • Some jokes are made at the expense of the writing on the series, such as the habit of putting the word "Space" in front of different things (i.e. Space Bees, Space Mardi Gras, Space Massachusetts).
  • The closing song is Satellite by TEA, a solo project of Terri Winston.


  • The episode title refers to the concept of turtles all the way down, in reference to the early theory that the earth was being carried by a giant turtle, and another giant turtle underneath and so on. The Professor even paraphrases this concept, when proposing inserting Bender into the simulation Bender, who would be pushed into the sub-simulation, with "Benders all the way down".
  • Hermes quotes the French philosopher Rene Descartes, who made the famous postulation, in Latin, "Cogito, ergo sum", often translated as "I think, therefore I am."



    Farnsworth: Spectacular, isn't it?
    Amy: Probably! What is it?
    Farnsworth: I've created a simulation of the entire universe!
    [The crew gasps.]
    Amy: Oh! In that case, it stinks.

    Simulated Zoidberg: Hooray! I'm an unnamed member of the group!

    Simulated Hermes: Listen up, threeple! Today, you'll be delivering this package to Space Italy.
    Amy: "Space Italy"?
    Farnsworth: I know, it's an embarrassingly lazy name. But when you're creating an entire universe from scratch, you can't make up a believable name for everything. Sometimes, you just have to go with "Space Italy" or "the Robot Planet" or "Dr. Zoidberg."
    Zoidberg: [rolling his eyes] Preposterous!

    Simulated Hermes: Sweet facsimile of Space Italy! A simulation…
    Hermes: Within a simulation!? Where does it all end?
    Zoidberg: Hopefully there. Already my head hurts.


Alien Language Sightings



(In alphabetic order)
