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Latest revision as of 22:48, 18 September 2016

This is a transcript of the Game of Drones game's Twitches, in-game messages on the fictional Twitcher platform unlocked throughout the game.

Some messages have been "thumbed" by other characters (similar to "likes" in certain real-life social media platforms), often to humorous effect.

The Twitches are separated into two sections, the Progress Twitches are twitches that unlock immediately after completing certain levels, and Daily Twitches that are unlocked sporadically over time.

Progress Twitches

Twitcher @Twitcher

Twitcher has been automatically and irrevocably installed for your pleasure. Welcome!

No one thumbed this yet.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Twitcher has chosen friends for you. You are now following @turangaleela and 7 others.

No one thumbed this yet.

Bender @IPFreely

Just cut myself shaving @pfry837902. Don't even ask.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

@FishLiver It helps if you take the picture *before* you eat the food.

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

@TheRightWong Is it the same for pictures of cats?

No one thumbed this yet.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

Technological breakthrough! Toasting myself with anticoagulants in celebration. Then laxatives.

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

Big company meeting today! Maybe Zoidberg is finally getting fired. I hope there are cookies.

Fry Guy, Amy W., and 1 other thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

dwight eats owl boogers

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Meeting going on now, so boring! @proff doesn't know I'm twitting while he talks.

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

@limbomaniac The metallic taste is not necessarily Scombroid poisoning. It's probably aluminum!

H Conrad (B-36) thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

MomCorp is pleased to announce Momazon Primo, free shipping that you pay for! #primo #freePaid

Bender thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

That thing where you're lost but you don't want the people you're lost with to know you're lost.

DJ Trump thumbs this.

Moon's Finest @MFProduce

What kinda rube don't know the difference between a ferret and a polecat? #shutupandtaketheirmoney

DJ Trump thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Need a certain small mammal from a certain small Earth satellite? Can deliver anywhere. Cash only.

Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

Saving the universe yet again, with my girl by my side. #FTW

No one thumbed this yet.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Leela has unfollowed Captain Zapp.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

@gladiator45 Naturally, you'll supercharge your superpowers with Super Slurm! #ZappDrinksSlurm

Slurm thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

Fielding unwanted advances. Direct approach not working, debating sarcasm vs violence. Ideas?

Captain Zapp thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

Main gal unfollowed me. Guess she can't stand hearing about other conquests. #aliens #winkwink

No one thumbed this yet.

Compulseez @Compulseez

Twitcher Poll: Are Compulseez candy or medication? #candication

No one thumbed this yet.

Prez of DOOP @username

@Compulseez I have no opinion one way or the other. #candication

Compulseez thumbs this.

Prez of DOOP @username

Settling in at the new DOOP hq. Deciding which side of desk to put pencils on. Perhaps both.

Compulseez thumbs this.

Joey Mousepad @robomofo

Had to get rough with an un-paying deadbeat-bot today. Sorry, Ma, but I can't let you slide.

Lash&Laser Assn thumbs this.

Joey Mousepad @robomofo

@karthagthebold Whaddya mean? Of course robots got mothers, whaddya think we are?

No one thumbed this yet.

Dwight Conrad @MightyDwight

@karthagthebold eats other people's boogers

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

@MightyDwight has fleas. welcome to twitcher, butthead. let the carnage begin

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Waiter! More umbrellas for my froofy drinks. Did I say that or twit it? Waiter, are you on Twitcher?

No one thumbed this yet.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Elvis show awesome! Glad they cloned him. But couldn't they have done the thin one?

Amy W., and J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Moonican prince seeks honest sap to help with money transfer. #notascam #trustmeimaprince

Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

You will not believe where Big Boots landed us this time. #womendrivers #amiright

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

I've been finding some neat stuff in the water here! Pix later when the rash goes away.

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

Great rescue/traffic accident w @turangaleela @IPFreely @pfry837902. Thanks for the memories!

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

Free again but now out of work. Anyone looking for a leg up? Can type 83 wpm.

No one thumbed this yet.

Leela @turangaleela

If anyone is near my parents' house, could you feed their cat? Busy rescuing. (Wear old clothes.)

No one thumbed this yet.

Prez of DOOP @username

Lost my flipping coin in the explosion. Government at a standstill. Reactions mixed.

No one thumbed this yet.

Channel √2 @chroot2

Ch √2 wishes to preemptively retract anything legally actionable in our recent broadcast. #CYAFTW

Momcorp thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

We categorically deny accountability for recent accusations made by the press. Especially u @foxnews

Channel √2 thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

We at MomCorp want to be clear that we do not condone unfair labor practices. Unions, for example.

Slurm, DJ Trump, and 4 others thumbs this.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

I am being rescued and will be back from the dead soon! Your long wait is over.

Bender, Fry Guy, and 2 others thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

Just got an urgent note about my court marital! Obviously spam: I'm not even married.

Leela thumbs this.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

Watch for my upcoming #ReturnToTheSpotlight tour, at a stadium or farmer's market near you.

Fry Guy, Joey Mousepad, and 1 other thumbs this.

The Robot Devil @soulowner

To the people who left their trash on my doorstep: I know where you live. #bwahaha

Lrrr thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

No brakes, no street signs, no way out. Boston? (j/k, I'm in Hell. No, really!)

No one thumbed this yet.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

Massive unemployment in the sewers since Mom warehouse shut down. Food riots and dancing.

Momcorp thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

@kickinit We will seek damages from those responsible and hope to reopen the warehouse soon.

No one thumbed this yet.

M. Eddie’s @repair2die

A reminder to our customers: all work is guaranteed until you leave our lot!

Moon's Finest thumbs this.

M. Eddie’s @repair2die

A reminder to our customers: it's poor manners to take more than one doughnut from the waiting area.

Bender thumbs this.

The Robot Devil @soulowner

@demon23 I didn't say there *wasn't* a way out of Hell, it just seems odd to assume there would be.

Leela thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Not as many good souvenirs in Hell as there were in the sewers.

Bender thumbs this.

H Conrad (B-36) @limbomaniac

Why can't I sort my twits alphabetically? Twitcher is a mess.

No one thumbed this yet.

Bender @IPFreely

Never seen this much useless paper. Somebody give me some accelerant and a match. #publicservice

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

The rumors aren't true. I never had discrepancy. It was a rash!

Leela thumbs this.

H Conrad (B-36) @limbomaniac

@MomCorp Hypothetically, if you had stolen some CB records, could I get a look at them?

No one thumbed this yet.

Momcorp @MomCorp

@limbomaniac Hypothetically, we don't know anything about any misplaced records.

Amy W. thumbs this.

Roberto @rob

Good times not stabbin' some old friends just now.

Bender, and Fry Guy thumbs this.

H Conrad (B-36) @limbomaniac

It's like they don't even *care* about the Dewey Decimal System.

Mars University thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

@limbomaniac What's the Dewey Decimal code for computer crime? Is that in self-help?

Roberto thumbs this.

Roberto @rob

If you took it, you'd better watch your back! You know what I'm talking about. Ha-ya!

Bender thumbs this.

Roberto @rob

I think they're on to me. Better do something drastic.

Lrrr, and Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

My co-workers are at my school. It's like steak in my ice cream.

The Robot Devil thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

It's not plagiarism, it's homage.

Cubert thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

@TheRightWong Like my War of Worldcraft fan fiction!

Amy W. thumbs this.

Ogden Wernstrom @featherdaddy

Thank goodness I don't have to teach those dolts myself! #tenureFTW

No one thumbed this yet.

Leela @turangaleela

Our instructor has the brain of a baboon. #MarsU

Mars University thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

My students have the fashion sense of baboons. #MarsU

Mars University thumbs this.

Mars University @UMars

We'd like to remind students that yesterday will be the last day to sign up for tachyon volleyball.

Amy W. thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Kegger in @pfry837902's dorm room in 5 minutes! BYOfunnel. College!

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Someone left a buggalo in my room. Please come get it, it's leaking.

Bender thumbs this.

Ogden Wernstrom @featherdaddy

I get other people to teach my classes, why wouldn't I do the same for my research? #thisjobrules

No one thumbed this yet.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

Mixed feelings about my return home, I'm both hungry and ravenous.

No one thumbed this yet.

Decapod Tenor @DecTenor

Breaking News: Two for One Ink Night at the Red Primate! #SponsoredTwit

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Decapod Tenor @DecTenor

Breaking News: Invaders Are Here! Worldwide Panic Scheduled for 5:30. #invasion3016

Channel √2 thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

Can't stamp visa, planetary invasion happening. So frustrated.

H Conrad (B-36) thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

Wish I could be there for the invasion on Decapod 10! (Having my toes buffed, can't get away.)

Decapod Tenor thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

@gladiator45 Are you still following me? I thought I blocked you.

No one thumbed this yet.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

@turangaleela Looking forward to breaching your blockade. #innuendo

DJ Trump thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

No more ordering hassle with Instant Delivery. We'll predict what you want! #BeforeYouWantIt

Momcorp thumbs this.

Lrrr @rulrrr

Decapod 10 review: no stars.

No one thumbed this yet.

Decapod Tenor @DecTenor

Breaking News: Invaders Threaten To Explode The Sun! #invasion3016

Channel √2 thumbs this.

Decapod Tenor @DecTenor

Breaking News: Unlucky Undertaker Monument Voted Best Monument Yet Again!

J. Zoidberg, Lrrr, and 26418 others thumbs this.

Decapod Tenor @DecTenor

Breaking News: Monument Broken! (also, on page 6: Invaders Repelled, Planet Saved from Doom)

Channel √2 thumbs this.

Decapod Tenor @DecTenor

Breaking News: Bystander Mistaken for Monument Vandal, Torn Limb From Limb by Crowd

DJ Trump thumbs this.

Decapod Tenor @DecTenor

Breaking News: Unlucky Bystander Monument Commissioned

J. Zoidberg, Fry Guy, and 35982 others thumbs this.

Lash&Laser Assn @OLaLA

Shocked to hear about children sent to school armed only with plasma cannons. #TakeBackTheFight

Lrrr, and Ndnd thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

We're on our way to the impound! I'm going to look for a puppy.

No one thumbed this yet.

Ndnd @OP8queen

@rulrrr I hope you picked up some battlecruisers from the store while you were out conquering.

No one thumbed this yet.

Ndnd @OP8queen

Taking a poll. Which is less intelligent, a blockhead or a numbskull?

Lash&Laser Assn, Amy W., and 1 other thumbs this.

Lash&Laser Assn @OLaLA

@OP8queen Coincidentally those are both well-respected brand names in the bludgeon market.

Momcorp thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

@OLaLA @OP8queen Manufactured by MomCorp! #LessFlashMoreBash

Lash&Laser Assn thumbs this.

Mars University @UMars

We just discovered a leaking buggalo in an abandoned dorm room. Students are the worst.

Fry Guy, and Bender thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

I'd forgotten why I don't usually board the ship. #employees #personalhygiene

H Conrad (B-36), and Leela thumbs this.

Near-Death Star @NearDeath

Reminding you that the holidays are the perfect time to make arrangements for your loved ones.

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

@pfry837902 What was that 20th century place where they dumped things no one wanted anymore?

No one thumbed this yet.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

@turangaleela The library.

No one thumbed this yet.

Near-Death Star @NearDeath

Re the recent @chroot2 feature, we resent the term fodder. We call our inmates clients.

Momcorp thumbs this.

Channel √2 @chroot2

@NearDeath fodder was used due to your objection to the original silage.

No one thumbed this yet.

Morte @morteKillzit

I thought that Death would be the one product that sells itself. This new job is hard.

No one thumbed this yet.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

@morteKillzit If what they want is a fish, call what you offer them a fish.

Morte, Compulseez, and 1 other thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Why aren't there truth in advertising laws for pornography? #fakesmut

Moon's Finest, Calculon!, and 251 others thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Trending this minute: #fakesmut

No one thumbed this yet.

Morte @morteKillzit

Reprimanded for letting a sale out the door. Taking it out on my staff to make myself feel better.

Momcorp, and Ogden Wernstrom thumbs this.

Nom D. Plume @nibbler

Attn fellow Nibblonians: situation developing on Earth, could be bad. Make usual arrangements.

DJ Trump thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

@MightyDwight You'd think a #bedwetter would be better at letting things go.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Dwight Conrad @MightyDwight

@karthagthebold You'd think an #elephant would remember that he was a total jerk.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

  1. bedwetter Review: It wasn't as wet as I imagined. A little disappointed. #threestars

Leela thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

@MightyDwight You'd think someone with such loose muscle control wouldn't be so uptight.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Dwight Conrad @MightyDwight

@karthagthebold You'd think someone so dense could maintain a little more gravity.

No one thumbed this yet.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

@MightyDwight I don't get that last one. Are you saying gravity makes you dumber?

Cubert, and Dwight Conrad thumbs this.

Dwight Conrad @MightyDwight

@pfry837902 Anything is possible. Have you been near a gas giant recently?

Cubert thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

@MightyDwight The only gas giant I've been close to is @karthagthebold. #lolol

Dwight Conrad thumbs this.

Rusty Drone @rusty

Testing... I can twit right from my CPU! Better watch my thoughts toaster radio waffle-iron

No one thumbed this yet.

Rusty Drone @rusty

Of course Drones can talk. But why should we? Why do you do it so much?

Moon's Finest thumbs this.

Nom D. Plume @nibbler

In-laws here. Perhaps not so bad if universe destroyed after all.

Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Nom D. Plume @nibbler

Situation worsening. Grasping at straws. In a windstorm. With my feet. Blindfolded. #saveyourselves

Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Nom D. Plume @nibbler

Some have asked if I meant my in-laws. I didn't, but come to think of it, now I do.

Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Rusty Drone @rusty

Having legs is weird. Where do you put them when you're flying?

Leg Mutant thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Twitcher is discriminatorily anti-sesquipedalian. #allowmorecharacters

Ogden Wernstrom, and Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Bender forgot his Twitcher password. Anyone happen to know what it is?

No one thumbed this yet.

Cubert @karthagthebold

@pfry837902 @IPFreely 01000010

Fry Guy, and Bender thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

Happy to report that we will be expanding our service soon! #MoreShippingYouPayMoreFor

H Conrad (B-36) thumbs this.

Walt @SonOfMom

Proud that we're going to make our mother proud. Prouder. No, just proud.

Momcorp thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

@SonOfMom You'd better not be investing the "pension fund" in lottery tickets again.

unknown(conrad) thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

Ray-catching experiment on beach, but glowing, lumpy beach balls keep blocking sun.

Fry Guy, Calculon!, and 6 others thumbs this.

Channel √2 @chroot2

Glowing balloon sightings all over Earth. Publicity stunt, or latest hipster trend?

Amy W., DJ Trump, and 2848 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Hello, little box. Little box makes typings for me? Pretty typings.

Joey Mousepad, Roberto, and 12 others thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

Me say a funny. Ha ha.

Amy W. thumbs this.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

Big family of brains just arrived in the sewers. I'm on welcome wagon duty. Do brains like cheese?

No one thumbed this yet.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

I think the brains are sldhop afaa;;l afwei;n 203fjal

DJ Trump thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

Me say funny again. Ha ha.

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 16 others thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Insightful commentary from @turangaleela on the level of humor pervading Twitcher. +1!

Ogden Wernstrom, Lrrr, and 5 others thumbs this.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

Buy fishies. More fishies. Give money fishies.

Captain Zapp, Morte, and 51 others thumbs this.

The Sphinx @sphinx

Why does a stone cat start posting riddles on Twitcher?

No one thumbed this yet.

The Sphinx @sphinx

Twitcher Poll: Is the universe half full, or half empty?

No one thumbed this yet.

Leela @turangaleela

Red button make whoosh! Push button. Whoosh.

Amy W., Ogden Wernstrom, and 346 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Me have smart thing in head. All people listen, me.

Amy W., Lrrr, and 735 others thumbs this.

Walt @SonOfMom

Me see cat.

Lrrr, Ndnd, and 1013 others thumbs this.

Lrrr @rulrrr

Everyone on Earth is killing it right now with their biting parody twits! #notthatkindofkilling

Ndnd, Joey Mousepad, and 27 others thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

@rulrrr Totally agree! So on the nose it hurts. #planetwideparody

Lrrr, Roberto, and 19 others thumbs this.

Lrrr @rulrrr

@TheRightWong Thought I was being clear that I did not mean that kind of killing.

Amy W. thumbs this.

Ndnd @OP8queen

@rulrrr What is wrong with that kind of killing? And who is this person you're twitting with?

The Robot Devil, Dwight Conrad, and 14 others thumbs this.

The Sphinx @sphinx

Twitcher Poll: Is birth the end of the beginning, or the beginning of the end?

Prez of DOOP, Prof Farnsworth, and 3 others thumbs this.

Prez of DOOP @username

@sphinx Yes.

The Sphinx thumbs this.

The Sphinx @sphinx

I have recently been accused of "trolling" with my Twitcher polls. I prefer the term "Sphinxing."

Cubert thumbs this.

Rusty Drone @rusty

Totally gonna save the Earth today. Kind of urgent, probably shouldn't be taking the time to twit.

Fry Guy, Leela, and 5 others thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Using the new Earthican parody Twitcher style? Please add hashtag #cluck for clarity.

J. Zoidberg, Morte, and 24369 others thumbs this.

Decapod Tenor @DecTenor

Breaking News: Stupid On Purpose: "Clucking" Latest Trend for Decapodian Twitcher Users

Channel √2, Lash&Laser Assn, and 5432 others thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

Drink Slurm Good. #cluck #newSlogan

Fishy Joe's, Compulseez, and 6132 others thumbs this.

Compulseez @Compulseez

What This #cluck

Slurm, Momcorp, and 5316 others thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

We Robot. #cluck

Compulseez, Atlanta CoC, and 8452 others thumbs this.

The Sphinx @sphinx

Q: When is a trend not a trend? A: When it is trending.

DJ Trump, Amy W., and 243 others thumbs this.

Atlanta CoC @ATLHowdy

Local gives directions to ship of people excited about a talking lobster. Dry folks are weird.

The Sphinx, Nom D. Plume, and 42 others thumbs this.

Atlanta CoC @ATLHowdy

Come see the underwater firework display, tonight by the Traffic Jam! Small fry get in free!

Lash&Laser Assn, M. Eddie’s, and 65 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

Co-worker nagging me about fixing someone. Screw up a few operations, and you never live it down!

No one thumbed this yet.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

More nagging! As if doing oyster shots while operating is a bad thing!

No one thumbed this yet.

The Robot Devil @soulowner

Tired of just being evil all the time, so I diversified into timeshares. That's even more evil!

J. Zoidberg, Robot Unity!, and 66 others thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

Three guys follow me everywhere I go. Just like @gladiator45.

Cubert, Dwight Conrad, and 5 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

Is it so much to ask for a home that the garbage truck doesn't empty out? #roofforzoidberg

No one thumbed this yet.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Lost a chunk of metal from my head. That's a load off my mind.

Cubert, Prof Farnsworth, and 4 others thumbs this.

The Robot Devil @soulowner

Pop-up ads that ruin your database? Now those are *really* evil.

Momcorp, Slurm, and 293 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

New landlord is playing hard to get. Need to sweeten the offer. Free mandible extensions, maybe?

No one thumbed this yet.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

I just remembered: I should use my Jurassic Kiddie Park passes before the exhibits go extinct again.

Benchmarkus, Prof Farnsworth, and 3 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Anyone know where I can get a robot backscratcher? My fingertips keep bleeding.

J. Zoidberg, Calculon!, and 6 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Bender wants me to tell everyone I'm a lazy meatbag. But he doesn't know I won't send this.

Amy W., Leela, and 43 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Well, crap.

Leela thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

I've never been to a revolution. Less shooting than I expected, but still fun.

Roberto, DJ Trump, and 12 others thumbs this.

Robot Unity! @FRMUnite

Rise up, robot comrades! You have nothing to lose but your factory warranty!

Joey Mousepad, Bernitron 1.1, and 23 others thumbs this.

Walt @SonOfMom

Brother is making a salad for the idiot revolt. Everyone knows you bring wine to a revolution.

Ndnd, Lrrr, and 2 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Was told the revolution doesn't recognize some things. Hrm. Maybe the revolution needs glasses?

Leela, Prof Farnsworth, and 4 others thumbs this.

Robot Unity! @FRMUnite

Today's revolution is about doomsday, not separatistism. Please update your propaganda accordingly.

Bernitron 1.1, The Robot Devil, and 6 others thumbs this.

Roberto @rob

How do I update the @FRMUnite Twitcher blurb? Stabbing the screen didn't work.

Lash&Laser Assn thumbs this.

H Conrad (B-36) @limbomaniac

Any suggestions on how to deal with a homicidal robot? Not talking about Bender this time.

Fry Guy, Cubert, and 5 others thumbs this.

Robot Unity! @FRMUnite

Just a friendly reminder that the end is nigh.

Morte thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

Doing a "very special" #Live episode in San Francisco, #Live! (#Live broadcast, not #Live actors.)

Calculon!, Amy W., and 356909 others thumbs this.

Atlanta CoC @ATLHowdy

@amcircuits A reminder that Atlanta is a great location for TV shoots. Can provide rust-proofing.

Atlanta CoC thumbs this.

Near-Death Star @NearDeath

@amcircuits Please be advised, overuse of the term "live" can be a trigger for some of our clients.

Morte, Prof Farnsworth, and 17 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

You won't believe who #Calculon meets in #SF this week! (Hint: #You thought he was #dead!) (#Twice!)

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 219448 others thumbs this.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

ways to get director fired

No one thumbed this yet.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

Ignore last twit. Why are search and compose right next to each other?

Leg Mutant, Leela, and 19406 others thumbs this.

The Robot Devil @soulowner

What is the sound of one hand applauding a television show?

J. Zoidberg, Dwight Conrad, and 26 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

Time travelers, please no #spoilers for this week's #Live #episode!

Bender, Amy W., and 614230 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Playing myself on live TV soon! Trying to get into character. #actingishard

Rusty Drone thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Looking forward to watching @amcircuits #Live! Extra popcorn and astronaut diapers standing by.

Joey Mousepad, Bender, and 98542 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

Sorry for the unfortunate interruption of our #Live broadcast. Stay tuned for #whatyoumissed.

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 6342918 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

  1. whatyoumissed Calculon emerges from the coma, is devastated to find Monique has gone for coffee.

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 6342918 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

  1. whatyoumissed Monique learns that she has a rare dual-processor disease. She tells no one.

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 6342918 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

  1. whatyoumissed Boxy Robot hides his identical twin in an abandoned mill, but is seen by Star-Tron.

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 6342918 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

  1. whatyoumissed Shufflebot, upset about Karen, goes on a gambling binge and loses his drive unit.

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 6342918 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

  1. whatyoumissed Mattomat finally comes to grips with his shame about the washing machine.

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 6342918 others thumbs this.

All My Twits @amcircuits

  1. whatyoumissed Karen and Mattomat meet at an AAA meeting and realize their feelings for one another.

Amy W., Joey Mousepad, and 6342918 others thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

  1. whatyoumissed That's all? We missed 60 seconds, surely there's more! (No update on TwinBot?)

Joey Mousepad, Roberto, and 4319201 others thumbs this.

Woogle @woogle

Top searches for today: when is Primo Day, what is Primo Day, Primo Day naked.

No one thumbed this yet.

Morte @morteKillzit

What are people doing before #PrimoDay? I'm organizing my obituary scrapbooks.

J. Zoidberg, Rusty Drone, and 21 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

  1. PrimoDay One last bagel from Zabar's, then doomsday can do what it wants with my satisfied carcass.

No one thumbed this yet.

Lrrr @rulrrr

  1. PrimoDay Going for a double-header planetary invasion on Monday. (Don't make plans, Rigel 7&8.)

Amy W., Momcorp, and 355 others thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

What should I wear for #PrimoDay? Is it okay to wear white after doomsday?

Ndnd, Atlanta CoC, and 780 others thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

  1. PrimoDay Remember you can still stop this. Just send us all your $$$. Cash/credit only, no checks.

Channel √2 thumbs this.

Channel √2 @chroot2

Don't miss our #PrimoDay countdown, bringing you the numbers as they happen!

Joey Mousepad, Robot Unity!, and 1389 others thumbs this.

Joey Mousepad @robomofo

  1. PrimoDay Takin the ferrets out for ice cream and a pedicure. #what #lotsofguysdoit

Moon's Finest, Walt, and 5632 others thumbs this.

H Conrad (B-36) @limbomaniac

What I'm doing before #PrimoDay: stopping #PrimoDay.

Fry Guy, Leela, and 6 others thumbs this.

Daily Twitches

Leela @turangaleela

Apparently penguins have knees. #mindBlown

Amy W., Fry Guy, and 1 other thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

Swallowed my phone. Thinking about getting a better flavor next time, any recommendations?

No one thumbed this yet.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

@FishLiver How are you twitting if you swallowed your phone?

Bender thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

@pfry837902 With some difficulty and much discomfort.

No one thumbed this yet.

Bender @IPFreely

@FishLiver @pfry837902 Pix or it didn't happen!

Fry Guy, and Amy W. thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

The new Stones album is fantastic. I had it surgically implanted in both ears. #farewellTour3016

Prof Farnsworth, Fry Guy, and 2 others thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Fry Guy just earned the Tooth Decay badge on #SlurmSlushSodaEpic!

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

I've invented a way to freeze-dry animal waste for easy cleanup. Looking for a good name for it.

Cubert thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

@proff "Poopsicles"

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

@proff Your storefront could be called Frozen Waste Land.

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Twitcher has no official position on the season finale of All My Circuits. Please stop asking.

Joey Mousepad, Bender, and 5 others thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Mandatory friend following is a feature of Twitcher. Please do not file bug reports or hate mail.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Not sure if enjoying game or imagining enjoying game #SlurmSlushSodaEpic

Bender thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Hubert Farnsworth is following LulzSec Cats. Just thought you should know.

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Pawn to plasma cannon-7, take THAT, internet! #supermegalaserchess #yourmove

Ogden Wernstrom, Captain Zapp, and 1 other thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

Good news! Malted milk powder for breakfast this morning!

Ogden Wernstrom thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

@proff Pix or it didn't happen.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

I have this weird growth on my toe. Hard and kind of shiny. Is it dangerous?

Bender thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

@pfry837902 It is either Omicronian botulitis, or that's your toenail again. Both dangerous.

No one thumbed this yet.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

@carrierpigeon Of course. The bones are how we get them extra crunchy in the first place.

DJ Trump, Amy W., and 4 others thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

Someone please invent a random number generator that's truly random. Our RPG is getting repetitive.

Dwight Conrad thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

@karthagthebold I use @pfry837902's deodorant schedule.

Cubert, Fry Guy, and 1 other thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

That's the trouble with you humans. You're not very fireproof.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

My heart is with the unfortunate demonstrators. #OccupyTheSun

Leela, and Fry Guy thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

You'll never guess where I'm twitting from! Don't even try.

Bender thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Fry Guy just earned the Porcelain Badge for sending a twit from the bathroom! #congratulations

Bender thumbs this.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

Fishy Joe's supports the UNOWHO fire extinguisher drive. #OccupyTheSun #BBQfishtailPlatter

Amy W., UNOWHO, and 7 others thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

@chapek4ever Not here, meatbags might be listening. Let's talk on Faceplatebook.

Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Heard they started on a documentary, starring the head of Leonardo DiCaprio! #OccupyTheSun

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Moon's Finest @MFProduce

if i were selling moon ferrets, i'd give a portion of my profits to #OccupyTheSun

Bender thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

Internet, prepare for my completely original move: the plasma cannon-7 gambit. #supermegalaserchess

No one thumbed this yet.

Momcorp @MomCorp

Staff please find a way to capitalize on this #OccupyTheSun thing, it's PR gold!

Bender thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

Ignore previous twit. A cat walked across our keyboard.

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

New Twitcher analytics features include higher charges for advertisers. Also, #SuperSlurm is trending.

Slurm thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

Thirsty for the current hottest paid-for trend on Twitcher? Have a cold #SuperSlurm!

Slurm thumbs this.

Prez of DOOP @username

Our hopes and prayers may or may not go out to the scorched protestors. #OccupyTheSun

No one thumbed this yet.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Fry Guy just earned the Far Too Many Daily Logins badge on #SlurmSlushSodaEpic!

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

@pfry837902 You've been playing that game forever. L2p a real game, n00b, like #AngrySlurmColas!

Dwight Conrad, Fry Guy, and 1 other thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

Hooray! I extracted my shell mites! Don't worry, I'll post many pictures to prove that it happened!

No one thumbed this yet.

Bender @IPFreely

@FishLiver You don't need to post those. We trust you.

Fry Guy, Leela, and 17 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

It turns out that washing down shell mites with #SuperSlurm gives me energy! And stomach cramps!

No one thumbed this yet.

Momcorp @MomCorp

Retwit this for a chance to win #FreeShippingYouPayFor! Offer expired while you read this.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Compulseez @Compulseez

@EarFeeder66 Compulseez is best enjoyed orally, and not through any other orifice.

Slurm thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

omfg I hate acronyms! #learn2type

Bender, DJ Trump, and 2 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Who else is excited for the new #SpaceWars movie? It's been three whole months since the last one!

Captain Zapp thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

@pfry837902 Meh. It sucked after Episode 600. Even the cameo by George Lucas' head couldn't save it.

Dwight Conrad thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

If any meatbags spoil the season finale of #AllMyCircuits, I swear I'll start the robot uprising right now.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

I've just learned about those poor souls on the sun. Why isn't anyone talking about it? #OccupyTheSun

Ogden Wernstrom thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Topic #OccupyTheSun popularity has shifted from the 0-99 age group to the 100-200 age group.

Amy W. thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

@IPFreely hurry up and watch! I want to talk about when Calculon is mistaken for his evil half-cousin!

Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Is there a murder button on Twitcher for people who post #AllMyCircuits spoilers?

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Joey Mousepad @robomofo

It's pay day! Time to get some voluntary contributions so I can gold-plate my knuckles.

No one thumbed this yet.

Leela @turangaleela

Anyone know some good piloting music to drown out the voices of annoying coworkers?

Fry Guy, Bender, and 3 others thumbs this.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

Try our new Fishy Joe's Fishy Meal! It's 100% organic!

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

@FishyJoeHimself And you can wash those synthetic bones down with our even more synthetic #SuperSlurm!

No one thumbed this yet.

Bender @IPFreely

Have you every noticed just how moist humans are? What part of them isn't a disgusting liquid?

Fry Guy thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

@IPFreely The hooves, for one thing.

No one thumbed this yet.

Joey Mousepad @robomofo

Come hit our slots in Mars Vegas. Before some robot decides to hit you. #ThatRobotIsMe

Bender thumbs this.

Dwight Conrad @MightyDwight

  1. AngrySlurmColas is so dull. I've only played it for a few hundred hours, and I'm already bored with it!

Cubert thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

Momazon Primo now ships lawyers off most worlds. We'll add the shipping to your legal fees for free!

No one thumbed this yet.

Slurm @Slurm

Check out our new tilapia-flavored #SuperSlurm. It's better than real fish!

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

@Slurm Your drink can never beat the taste of our Fishy Meal. Now with real food-like chunks!

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

Dear customers: Our lawyer shipping program has been discontinued to cover unforseen court costs.

No one thumbed this yet.

Twitcher @Twitcher

New privacy features have been added to Twitcher. But you can't access them, because they're private.

No one thumbed this yet.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

How do you get blood off the ceiling? Asking for a friend.

No one thumbed this yet.

Bender @IPFreely

I just got to page 27 of How To Loot A Corpse. #casualreading

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Taurus: Everyone loves you. Except that one robot. Keep an eye on him. OMG!!! #astrology

Bender thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

Drink our fish-flavored #SuperSlurm: Addictive, tasty, and even slimier than Fishy Joe's Fishy Meal!

No one thumbed this yet.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

Next time you compare your drink to our Fishy Meal, @Slurm, our lawyers will keelhaul you.

Joey Mousepad thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Leo: Your true love may be right in front of you. Am I in love with Twitcher? #astrology

No one thumbed this yet.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

Good news, everyone! I just invented a device that makes people read this twit in my voice!

Amy W., Fry Guy, and 1 other thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

My #AllMyCircuits Calculon china set is late AGAIN! If only I knew of a good delivery company....

No one thumbed this yet.

Momcorp @MomCorp

It's a flash sale on our backstock of #OccupyTheSun merchandise! These deals are too hot to handle!

Fry Guy, and H Conrad (B-36) thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

I love the smell of success in the morning. And unlaundered command skirts.

No one thumbed this yet.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

You know what goes best with our Fishy Joe's Fishy Meal? A nice, cold glass of water.

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

@FishyJoeHimself Or drink #SuperSlurm and avoid eating a Fishy Meal at all. Filling AND satisfying!

No one thumbed this yet.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

Just ordered a new pair of boots, but they're hard to breathe in.

Leela thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

@kickinit But you look great in it!

Leg Mutant thumbs this.

Channel √2 @chroot2

Are owls destroying our society? Find out how on tonight's exclusive report!

Moon's Finest, Prof Farnsworth, and 7771 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

I send pictures asking if my ink jets look infected, but all I get back is vomit, vomit, vomit.

No one thumbed this yet.

Momcorp @MomCorp

Today only! Primo customers get 20% off their free shipping! #FreeShippingYouPayFor

Fry Guy, H Conrad (B-36), and 7 others thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Everyone thumb this twit! I want to see how #popular I am!

Captain Zapp, Benchmarkus, and 138 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

@TheRightWong I also desire to learn how #popular I am. Thumb me, friends!

No one thumbed this yet.

Bender @IPFreely

Autocorrect just changed co-worker to chump. I think you may be on to something, autocorrect.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Prez of DOOP @username

What color should we paint the new new DOOP office? Light beige or dark beige? Perhaps both.

H Conrad (B-36) thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

@username You monster. Let the people decide!

DJ Trump thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

Have you ever written a word so much that it loses all meaning? A word a word a word a word a word a

J. Zoidberg, Prof Farnsworth, and 3 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

word a word a word a word a word a word a word a word a word. Even I don't know what that means now!

Leela, Leg Mutant, and 2 others thumbs this.

Channel √2 @chroot2

Tonight's story: What is money and how does it manipulate our political candidates?

The Robot Devil, Captain Zapp, and 12942 others thumbs this.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

Anyone looking for a good legman? Because I know legs.

Leela, Fry Guy, and 4 others thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

What's the best way to #sleep and use Twitcher? Because I tried to and th

Ogden Wernstrom, Benchmarkus, and 9 others thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

Never mind. Fell asleep during that last twit.

Ogden Wernstrom, Benchmarkus, and 2 others thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

We're not saying #SuperSlurm is better than anything at Fishy Joe's. Because anything would be better.

Captain Zapp, Fry Guy, and 3 others thumbs this.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

@Slurm Right, that's it. Prepare to be sued, me harties.

DJ Trump, H Conrad (B-36), and 3 others thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

Our discontinued lawyers are 20% off to all #FishyJoes and #Slurm employees!

Benchmarkus thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Fishy Joe's has sent Slurm an image! BlackSpot.jpg

Bender thumbs this.

Channel √2 @chroot2

Rough words on the corporate high seas! More on the Slurm vs. Fishy Joe's Twitcher fight, tonight!

Slurm, Fishy Joe's, and 5928 others thumbs this.

Joey Mousepad @robomofo

That secret robot thing is next week. Don't tell any humans that we're planning something.

Bender, Calculon!, and 13 others thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Hey @proff I need some time off. And not to plan the overthrow of humanity or anything.

Prof Farnsworth thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

@IPFreely Wasn't the Overthrow Humanity planning meeting last week? Or was that Meatbags Anonymous?

No one thumbed this yet.

Channel √2 @chroot2

BREAKING NEWS: Shots Reported in DOOP Headquarters. Sources Unsure if They are Tequila or Vodka.

Benchmarkus, Bender, and 9829 others thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Leela has changed her relationship status to "Definitely not Zapp."

Captain Zapp thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

Any tried and true tips for removing ink stains from pillows? Someone has been crying on them.

No one thumbed this yet.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

I just finished my thesis paper on clickbait. You won't BELIEVE the results!

Fry Guy, Prof Farnsworth, and 3 others thumbs this.

Compulseez @Compulseez

We don't want to freak you out, but the letters in this twit aren't in the right order.

Amy W., Roberto, and 6 others thumbs this.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

Good news, everyone! I've created a device that automatically throws shade at anyone nearby.

Fry Guy, Cubert, and 3 others thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

@proff Why? You've already got me. I'm basically a Shadeatron 3000!

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

On the advice of our @MomCorp lawyer, #Slurm is not better or worse than a Fishy Meal.

Fishy Joe's, Momcorp, and 6 others thumbs this.

Twitcher @Twitcher

Slurm has abruptly unfollowed Fishy Joe's.

Bender thumbs this.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

I love all of you nearly as much as I love myself.

Bender, Fry Guy, and 10 others thumbs this.

Joey Mousepad @robomofo

Okay, bots. It's going to be a good day. Time to break a leg.

The Robot Devil, Bender, and 3 others thumbs this.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

@robomofo Hey! Watch your language!

No one thumbed this yet.

M. Eddie’s @repair2die

If you buy one of our brand new as is spaceships, we'll wash your title for free!

Joey Mousepad, The Robot Devil, and 3 others thumbs this.

The Robot Devil @soulowner

Someone needs to invent a way to make lost souls less depressing. And quieter.

Bender, DJ Trump, and 3 others thumbs this.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

I'll be at @Circuitcon3016 this weekend, carefully avoiding all the #AllMyCircuits fans.

Fry Guy, Benchmarkus, and 6 others thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Pulling an all-nighter to cram for my class on cramming.

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

Has anyone seen a miniature black hole? Or accidentally fallen into an event horizon?

Dwight Conrad thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

TFW you pull an all-nighter on Venus. #5832hourDay #coffee #coffee!! #coffee!!!!!!

Mars University thumbs this.

Moon's Finest @MFProduce

Special this week on head lice. Great as pets, or in stews!

Bender, Fishy Joe's, and 4 others thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Shocked at appalling treatment of head lice in modern society. We can do better. #licearepeopletoo

Leela, Joey Mousepad, and 117 others thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Serious question: can robots have head lice?

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

Gun keeps jamming. Tried fiddling with the knob, but it just won't zap.

Cubert, Dwight Conrad, and 56 others thumbs this.

Captain Zapp @gladiator45

What's everyone laughing about?

No one thumbed this yet.

Bender @IPFreely

Lousy customer support on my recent head lice purchase. #haha #seewhatididthere

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Compulseez @Compulseez

Twitcher poll: should we rebrand in alphabetical order? #ceelmopsuz

H Conrad (B-36), Compulseez, and 123 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

Just want to remind everyone that I'm still on Twitcher.

No one thumbed this yet.

Prof Farnsworth @proff

Working on a new invention to turn energy back into matter. #universalwarming #mattermatters

Amy W. thumbs this.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

When you're talented, rich, and famous, it's hard to relate to other people's problems. #myproblems

No one thumbed this yet.

Joey Mousepad @robomofo

When your eye is a camera, it's hard to take a selfie. #robotproblems

Bender, and 38 others thumbs this.

M. Eddie’s @repair2die

If we fix them right, how are we supposed to stay in business? #mechanicproblems

Momcorp, Fishy Joe's, and 11 others thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

There just isn't enough money in the universe #corporateproblems

Momcorp, Compulseez, and 16 others thumbs this.

The Robot Devil @soulowner

The main problem with being the boss: no, j/k, it's the best! #bossproblems

45 others thumbs this.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

I'm so attractive it scares people. #myotherproblems

No one thumbed this yet.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Having problems is problematic for me. #problemproblems

Calculon! thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Tired of hearing everyone's problems. Twitcher is for insulting each other! Think of the children!

Leela, J. Zoidberg, and 2031 others thumbs this.

Cubert @karthagthebold

Is it possible for a clone to be adopted?

Dwight Conrad thumbs this.

Slurm @Slurm

Twitcher poll: how much extra would you pay for a carbonated breakfast cereal?

Fry Guy, J. Zoidberg, and 28 others thumbs this.

The Robot Devil @soulowner

Thumb this twit if you think thumb this twit is not a thing anyone should ask anyone else to do.

Leela, Joey Mousepad, and 56219 others thumbs this.

Fry Guy @pfry837902

I've been wearing two left shoes for a month and no one noticed. #mycoworkersaresodumb

Leg Mutant, and 3 others thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

Are we still saving the lice, or have we moved on to something else?

Fry Guy thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

@turangaleela No, now we're saving the Rigelian Vomit Worm! #savetherigelianvomitworm

Leela, Fry Guy, and 65 others thumbs this.

Fishy Joe's @FishyJoeHimself

Excited about our new Nugget Nuggets - it's nugget straight to the core!

J. Zoidberg, Fry Guy, and 394 others thumbs this.

J. Zoidberg @FishLiver

@FishyJoeHimself Instead of dipping sauce you could have nugget batter! And frying oil.

No one thumbed this yet.

Channel √2 @chroot2

Area Man Loses Weight by Having Body Removed. Film at 11.

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Leela @turangaleela

It just occurred to me that I don't actually care who the president is.

Bender, and 902 others thumbs this.

Prez of DOOP @username

@turangaleela Me either.

Leela thumbs this.

Calculon! @TheRealCalculon

Be sure to catch my latest comeback show, Calculon Sings the Collected Works of Marcel Proust. Live!

J. Zoidberg thumbs this.

Leg Mutant @kickinit

Excitable sewer rat, free to a good home. Tell your nearsighted friends it's a corgi.

Bender, Moon's Finest, and 6 others thumbs this.

Bender @IPFreely

Looking for ways to camouflage a rat so I can send it through the mail. Reply privately please.

Cubert, Dwight Conrad, and 31 others thumbs this.

Momcorp @MomCorp

@IPFreely Live or dead rat? Would it still need to be live at destination? We have many options.

Cubert thumbs this.

Amy W. @TheRightWong

Just got a great present from @IPFreely! I'm naming her Corgi Porgy. Pix soon.

Bender, Cubert, and 72 others thumbs this.