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Product Type: Food
Planet of Origin: Unknown
Created by: Omicronians


What are Popplers?

Popplers are undeveloped Omicronian young. They are born into large pits on a nursing planet (type M) the Omicronians to not take care of their undeveloped young but they do have "Nanny-Cams" positioned around the planet to keep an eye on things. Because they are undeveloped they have an iressistable taste to humans and many alien species.

How they were discovered

Popplers were discovered by Planet Express employees Fry, Bender and Leela. The Planet Express crew were on their way back from a "Planet of the Moochers" the natives cleaned out their food supplies so they were forced to make an emergency stop to find Food. Fry discovered the pits of Popplers, and Leela defined them as edible. they were then proved to be addictive so they filled the Planet Express ship with them and brought them to earth.

How they got their name

The Popplers were originally going to be called "Taste-icles" but it sounded to much like "Test-sickles". When informed that the only two names not trademarked were "Popplers" and "Zitzlers" they agreed on Popplers