List of mathematics references

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This article attempts to list references specific and common mathematical issues.

Season 2

"Put Your Head on My Shoulder" (2ACV07)

  • While Fry and Amy are in the closet, there are two books labelled P and NP. This refers to the P=NP problem

"Raging Bender" (2ACV08)

Number 9 Raging Bender.jpg
  • In this episode, also in I Dated a Robot, features the theater Loew's ℵ0-Plex. ℵ (aleph) is used in a sequence of numbers to represent the size of infinite sets. Also, the suffix -plex means how many screens in a cinema. In this case, the ℵ would indicate that there is an infinate amount of screens in Loew theater.

More info here.

"The Problem with Popplers" (2ACV15)

  • On the bilboard that Leela again crashes, it shows how much Popplers were sold. It says: 3.8 x 10^10 popplers sold. That number is the average distance from the Earth to the Moon (measured in centimetres).


"The Bender You Say"

  • There is a game show asking "What's the last digit of π?", and the man answers 7. The thing is, π is an irrational number, it doesn't end.