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==Futurama Firefox Theme==
==Futurama Firefox Theme==
[https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3025/ Check it out]! I haven't used it yet, so I can't say whether it's functional or attractive, but hey. {{User:Buddy13/sig}} 21:24, 23 August 2006 (PDT)
[https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3025/ Check it out]! I haven't used it yet, so I can't say whether it's functional or attractive, but hey. {{User:Buddy13/sig}} 21:24, 23 August 2006 (PDT)
==New Users and Bad Pages==
The new and useless pages are getting obnoxious. From now on, new users shouldn't create new pages before reading the help pages (especially the page on templates). Any sysops who see a new page that is terribly formatted (dead end page, orphan page, non-standard format), just go ahead and delete it. Then put a note on the creator's talk page reminding them (nicely) to read the help pages. If it's an anonymous IP, you can still send them a message via "Talk" on the recent changes page. The QualityControl and Stub tags don't seem to be helping much (nobody's trying to correct pages marked thusly), so deletion seems to be the best option, and the page can be saved for someone who's read the help pages. Once it's created again, the old version will be in the history, so any valuable information they posted can be salvaged. Any other thoughts? Am I being too harsh? {{User:Buddy13/sig}} 12:21, 24 August 2006 (PDT)

Revision as of 21:21, 24 August 2006

Good morning, people.

Alien Language Sightings

Perhaps it might be better if, instead of putting the sightings up at the top, they were put down in the "Additional Info" sections. Then you can be a bit more detailed than just telling how many sightings there are. It will also keep the Alien Languages page about alien languages, rather than being a list of sightings. What do you think? Buddy13 FW16.png

I dunno, I have mixed feelings about this. There's already a lot of info crammed into each episode page, and it would make it a lot harder for people searching for alien language references in general. Then again, it would make it slightly easier for people to find translations for sightings in an episode they had watched. I'm on the fence. User:Gopher/sig

100 articles and counting

Go Bender, go Bender!

Hooray! Buddy 15:04, 30 April 2006 (PDT)
I have to say, 128 is a much nicer number (binary). - Quolnok 08:40, 21 July 2006 (PDT)
Oh, indeed. Buddy13 FW16.png 11:42, 21 July 2006 (PDT)
150 articles now... who's got the champagne? --Whaler on the Moon 16:34, 12 August 2006 (PDT)

More Unused Images

I just uploaded a bunch of images for pages that were "Awaiting Screenies". I also uploaded quite a few images for nonexistant pages, but I thought if you saw the images, you might be inspired to write the articles, so here they are. Hope you like them. I'm still searching for the third Scary Door episode; I found it as a deleted scene, but can't find the one where it's on the show. I just remember that it's during the credits, and the punchline is, "It turns out it's Man." Anyway, you guys (Quolnok especially) are doing a great job! Buddy 09:48, 17 May 2006 (PDT)

[Update]: I think I found out it's on Spanish Fry. Now I have to go home and find out. Buddy 09:52, 17 May 2006 (PDT)
Yeah that's definately the episode. I've added a small number of those images to articles, couldn't find a pic of Linda or Frida though. - Quolnok 04:33, 30 May 2006 (PDT)
I actually only got the Waterfalls accidentally while finding other things. She's in A Taste of Freedom, right? And the first appearance of Morbo and Linda has a nice closeup of Morbo but not Linda, so I've been looking for a good shot of her. But my computer's on its last leg, so getting screenshots may be tricky. Buddy13 FW16.png 11:23, 30 May 2006 (PDT)
Fair enough, I think there might be a good shot of Linda in The Problem with Popplers. None of my DVD software allows for screenshots, I'd start taking a few myself otherwise. - Quolnok 22:37, 30 May 2006 (PDT)

Comic Listing

Having recently picked up the first two comic collections (US comics 1-9), I decided to do some of those articles, and a listing. I also created a template based on the one for the episodes. It'd be nice to have the index on the navigation bar when it disappears from the "What's New" box on the main page. - Quolnok 04:33, 30 May 2006 (PDT)

Sorta like the "Episode Listing"? I can do that...

Move to another host?

I just received this in my email:

Are you by any chance interested in allowing me to host The Infosphere for free? I recently purchased the domain futuramawiki.org, with the intent of starting a wiki (surprise). The next day I discovered your wiki. D'oh! I don't believe the fanbase is large enough to handle two wikis so why not work together?

(I've left out the hosting details, but you get the gist).

And as he points out in an omitted portion, futuramawiki.org is easier to remember. Here are some points to consider. See them as pro or con as you wish:

  • Easier domain name to remember
  • New hoster-guy may be able to drive more traffic to the site.
  • I like being the host. I have high standards for content and I'd like to keep it that way. I like having control of who gets promoted, to ensure that only good, active members have power. And I like having access to the raw files, so I can make changes when I need too.
  • Google has already indexed this domain many times, and many Futurama-based searches already turn up the Infosphere in the top twenty or so. It may take a while for the search engines to index the new location.

I'm reluctant to turn over control, but am I being paranoid? Or just greedy? I'd love some quick feedback from as many members as possible. I know that'll probably just be Quolnok, since he's the only currently active member, but maybe someone else will see this. Even feedback from lurkers would be welcome. Anything, really.

An alternative solution would be to set up a mirror... We could have the other host copy our files over and then disable editing or something. Or just a redirect or proxy... I'm torn. Feedback, please.

On a related note, I think it's important that we begin driving more and more traffic here. Post a link on every Futurama website where you hang out, or anything even remotely nerdly, since we know that all nerdlingers love Futurama. Buddy13 FW16.png 13:09, 15 June 2006 (PDT)

Paranoia is a good thing, so long as it doesn't become a mental illness. If it does go ahead, definately keep backups. Another thing to consider is his webhosting experience. It is entirely posssible this is someone who simply wants his own website. The address is better for a wiki, it would be better remembered and would come up sooner in Google searches for "futurama wiki". This site currently ranks near the bottom of page 18 with those terms. Another (inferior) one - http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Futurama - ranks much higher. I think the only prominent link to here is from a third futurama wiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Futurama

As I see it the only real reason to move is the address. The fanbase would probably only handle one good wiki (excluding the deliberately limited Wikipedia portal) I think I'd like to see this guy's credentials. MediaWiki contributions, general webhosting experience and some sites he's dne in the past. This would give an idea of the type of admin he'll be.

As for linking - I'd say it'd be nice to get on PEEL's buddy list and possibly those of some of their buddies. I'll link here whenever relevent (and from the website that I may or may not make eventually)

Also it'd be nice if the meta tags contained more relevent data, I'm not sure how that'd be edited in a MediaWiki, but it is what search engines use. Here's a sample from whatisjoppa.com:
<meta name="description" content="The Official Website of Joppa. Taking Over Newburyport, One Funny At A Time. Mike Mooney, Thom W. Neff, Ben Therrien, and Ben M. Watts"> <meta name="keywords" content="joppa, newburyport, neff, mooney, therrien, watts, funny, comedy, fm crew">
perhaps leaving a note about this on some user talk pages will get quicker (useful) responses. - Quolnok 01:40, 16 June 2006 (PDT)
Actually, due to "keyword spam" or "keyword fraud", most search engines ignore the Keyword meta tag. Because people started putting "Britney Spears nude" on sites about Janet Reno to drive up traffic. I'll see if I can change the "description" (or add one, actually), since that does show up on search engines... Buddy13 FW16.png 16:50, 18 June 2006 (PDT)

Something I found whilest wandering Meta

Interwiki linking looks like it could be somewhat useful. If we set it up we'd be able to link to things in other wikis where necessary (such as from trivia about an obscure joke) withoutout the little arrow thing in the middle of the text. setup guide - Quolnok 23:55, 11 July 2006 (PDT)

Correcting Act Titles

There are many episodes up with incorect act titles listed. Anyone who has a copy of the DVD's that lists the titles should probably go through and verify/correct many of the episodes. I'd do it myself, but... well, we all know my problems, don't we? If nobody wants to (or gets the time), I will get around to it eventually, I just thought I'd call attention to the issue in case anyone wanted to work on it. I never mentioned it when the articles were being created, as I didn't want to discourage the creation itself. You know? Buddy13 FW16.png 12:23, 15 July 2006 (PDT)

Yeah, I noticed some of those around. I just assumed some countries used different headings. - Quolnok 20:53, 15 July 2006 (PDT)

Poster Guy

Should probably have an article about the "poster guy" who appears in the various posters throughout the show. "Poster Child" is the proper proverbial term, but I like "Poster Guy". Any thoughts? He's a psuedocharacter, but I think he should have his own article (as opposed to being added to the Minor Characters page), so we can show several screenshots and discuss him. Buddy13 FW16.png 20:48, 15 July 2006 (PDT)

Poster guy is definately deserving of some mention, there's probably enough for a new page. - Quolnok 20:53, 15 July 2006 (PDT)

Throwing down the gauntlet

In light of the announced ressurection of the show, I think it's time to throw down the gauntlet, as it were. We need to commit ourseles to making the Infosphere the most comprehensive site for Futurama info on the web by 2008. We're well on our way, and it can only keep going up from here. Lets keep those articles coming! User:Gopher/sig

Back in Black - or was it Purple?

Well, after a prolongued absence I plan to take up my work again and finally finish Season 4 episodes. Keep up the good work!! - Whotmsig.jpg[Whaler on the Moon]

Good to see contributors coming back, ironically (or coincidentally?) I'm about to decrease the amount of stuff I'm doing around here (probably not to none) for a while due to Uni assignments that'll start needing to be done. - Quolnok 21:26, 17 July 2006 (PDT)

Remaining Episodes

After the completition of Season 4, I am now looking into some episodes of Season 3. I plan to take everything from Anthology of Interest II forward, any volunteers for the rest? Maybe I can do part of Season 2 once I am through with those. --Whaler on the Moon 16:51, 8 August 2006 (PDT)

I am busy with Season 2, but who will do Season 3? --Whaler on the Moon 16:25, 20 August 2006 (PDT)
Oh how I wish I could. I think I was doing rather well back when my computer was working, but then it wasn't and now everyone's done such a great job with the eps. Buddy13 FW16.png 16:29, 20 August 2006 (PDT)

PE Building Floorplan

I'm asking for help. I have a few key episodes that I know of, but I'd like you guys to take any screenshots you can find (even low quality ones) and mail them to me (check my userpage for the email link). I'd like pictures of known areas of the PE building, covering as much of the floorplan as possible. Like in some scenes, you can see the TV area through the door in the conference room area (and that's pretty consistent, since on the outside, the TV area window is near where the conference table spot should be). Stuff like that. I'm going to start working on a map, and I'm hoping to be as accurate as possible. Areas that are difficult to locate should also be sent, and you can let me know where you think the area is. I'll color-code the map so speculative areas and canon areas are distinguishable. Thanks for the help. Buddy13 FW16.png 14:19, 12 August 2006 (PDT)

Template Request

I'd like to see a ProductArticleTemplate created. After seeing the page on Popplers, it seems that a bit more polish is needed on the subject. The only two articles in the Products category are Dr. FlimFlam's Miracle Cream and Slurm, and both are inconsistent even with each other. A standard of some sort needs to be created. What sort of information would be common to most product pages? Product type (be it medical, food, industrial, et cetera)? Maybe manufacturer? Any ideas? Buddy13 FW16.png


I'd like to create (or see someone create, as I'm limited in my capability right now) super-clean logos for companies and products (i.e., the Planet Express logo, Slurm logo, MomCorp log, et cetera), to be used as the top image on the relevant pages. The preferred format would be SVG, to allow scaling to any size (and they're prettier), but PNG also works, if you don't have the ability to create SVG graphics. Anyone interested in creating such things? Buddy13 FW16.png 11:48, 11 August 2006 (PDT)

Planet Express Logo.png
I went ahead and created the logo for Planet Express, though it's not quite complete. I couldn't find a font that matched the original graphic, so I'm going to have to trace them with paths (interesting--no wait, that other thing: Tedious). I'd love to hear some feedback on this. The original is a SVG, but this is PNG. Both good. I'm working on interwiki links right now and then I'll figure out how to allow uploads of SVG graphics... Buddy13 FW16.png 18:32, 19 August 2006 (PDT)
I've created and uploaded two version of the Slurm logo as well. I'd love some feedback. I'd also like to know which MomCorp logo I should do: The one on the ship, where the mom head is above the "m"; or the one on the sign outside the conference area in Obsoletely Fabulous, where the head is centered over the "momcorp" as a whole? Which one? Buddy13 FW16.png 19:58, 23 August 2006 (PDT)

I think the logos look good, and most of the others seem to share this observation, otherwise there would surely have beem some nitpicking ;). Go ahead, you did good. -Whaler on the Moon 07:39, 24 August 2006 (PDT)

[Sneaks back in for a while] Yeah they look good. I don't think many people will have SVG editing software though. - Quolnok 07:42, 24 August 2006 (PDT)
Luckily, Inkscape is a free open-source program. ([http://inkscape.org/download.php here) But as I'm learning, if you're not familiar with vector-based drawing programs, it can be hard to learn. Luckily the interface is pretty simple and the help and tutorials are good. I'm particularly proud of the Slurm splat logo. The splat is actually a very random and curvy star/polygon object. SVG is very versatile and simple, though, so if there are any problems at all (like colours are off or shapes are wrong, etc), let me know and it'll take less than five minutes to fix. Buddy13 FW16.png 08:35, 24 August 2006 (PDT)

Futurama Firefox Theme

Check it out! I haven't used it yet, so I can't say whether it's functional or attractive, but hey. Buddy13 FW16.png 21:24, 23 August 2006 (PDT)

New Users and Bad Pages

The new and useless pages are getting obnoxious. From now on, new users shouldn't create new pages before reading the help pages (especially the page on templates). Any sysops who see a new page that is terribly formatted (dead end page, orphan page, non-standard format), just go ahead and delete it. Then put a note on the creator's talk page reminding them (nicely) to read the help pages. If it's an anonymous IP, you can still send them a message via "Talk" on the recent changes page. The QualityControl and Stub tags don't seem to be helping much (nobody's trying to correct pages marked thusly), so deletion seems to be the best option, and the page can be saved for someone who's read the help pages. Once it's created again, the old version will be in the history, so any valuable information they posted can be salvaged. Any other thoughts? Am I being too harsh? Buddy13 FW16.png 12:21, 24 August 2006 (PDT)