Miscellany of Into the Wild Green Yonder

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This article is about the trivia, the quotes, the references, etc. appearing in Into the Wild Green Yonder. It does not, however, include DVD information, character listings and cast information.

It is a separate article due to the fact that the amount of information to deal with in a trivia manner is huge when compared to a regular episode.

Character In The Audience Scene

General Trivia

  • It is also implied in the commentary of Bender's Big Score that Bender's materials will cause him to melt in hundreds of thousands of years. Though despite this, it does not occur in the film.
  • The writers have been quoted, at Comic-Con International 2008, saying that there is a "scene" containing "all of the characters" from Futurama, all clearly distinguishable. This was true until, due to a joke within the film, they ad to take out the child characters.
  • Tickle Me Bender dolls are an obvious parody of Sesame Street's Tickle Me Elmo dolls.
  • The Australian release of this film falls on the eve of the anniversary of Bender's Big Score's Australian release date.
  • Robby the Robot will make another cameo appearance in this movie, the first being in The Beast with a Billion Backs
  • In this movie, Amy wears her Zoidberg stained outfit from "Bendin' in the Wind" (3ACV13)
    and the Professor wears his driving gear from "Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles" (4ACV09)
  • "Bender, are you crazy?" "No, it's Fry who's crazy in this one!" refers to when Bender went insane in Bender's Game, and is also an obvious fourth wall break.
    • Additionally, the very last scene, while not a true break of the fourth wall, seems to refer to the uncertainty of whether this is the last of the series.
  • Right before Bender bends the brick wall, they abandon most of the eco-feminist group.
  • In the crowd scene near the end, the break in the glass is explained as not causing a life support problem (in the commentary) due to a force field. Apparently there was also such a force field on the construction site where Fry was working when Bender tapped his phone.
  • There are many risque jokes in the film, including Fanny twanging Bender's Antennae, Bender's Antennae growing in size, and two robots with disk drives on their crotch areas, with the Manbot transferring a disk to the Fembot.
  • This is the only time we have ever seen the Hypnotoad in a state where it has stopped hypnotizing long enough for its eye color to return to normal.
  • This also the only time that Fry's lack of the delta brainwave has come into play without Nibbler playing a part.
  • Destroying 12% of a galaxy would seriously upset its gravitational balance, possibly by enough to make it come apart altogether.
  • Many of the Mars Vegas casinos are parodies of current Las Vegas casinos. The Wong is a parody of the Wynn (in both building design and wordmark), Botany Bay is a parody of Mandalay Bay (and is likely named either for Botany Bay or the SS Botany Bay), Miragio is a combination of The Mirage and Bellagio, and Buggalo Bill's is a parody of Buffalo Bill's, even though it is not actually not in Las Vegas, but 40 miles south in Primm, Nevada.
  • The scene where Fry lectures Nine on his presentation is made to poke fun at how different history lessons are told in Films than real life.
  • The scene where Bender is dressed up as, and acts like a hooker is yet another instance of Bender acting feminine.
  • The Earth Supreme Court is made up of current United States justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and celebrities Snoop Dogg (chief justice), Bjork, Paula Abdul, Janeane Garofalo, and the voice of Leela, Katey Sagal.
  • A black hole is supposed to be used as a ball return after the 18th hole. This would mean that Black Holes in futurama act similarly to wormholes, however they are not typically used as such because of the fact that humans can not survive the trip through one, unlike the wormholes.
  • Although, officially, there is no confirmation as to which species evolved into the Encyclopods/Dark Ones, there is evidence that the original intention was for it to be the snakes/frogs respectively. The frogs have an appearance that people are more likely to associate with evil, additionally the eyes of the snakes/frogs closely resemble the eyes of the Encyclopods/Dark Ones, and are even the same color.
    • This would also explain why the Encyclopods died out where the Dark Ones barely survived. The frogs started the war by eating the snakes, gaining a slight numbers advantage from the start.
  • The only characters who appear in both this film and Space Pilot 3000 are Fry, Leela, Bender, Professor Farnsworth, Smitty, URL, Ipgee, Terry, Lou, Nixon, and the Number nine man (If you don't count background, non-speaking characters).
  • It is interesting that the Brainspawn never used foil to block out the thoughts of others. Since they know so much, they should be fully aware of such a solution.

Gambling Machines

  • Wheel of Fortran
  • Pull my Finger
  • Yank me doodle-dandy
  • Poverty Party

Protest Signs



  • The scene with the guy mixing Slurm and Mentos is a reference to the chemical reaction between Diet Coke and normal white Mentos.
  • Mars Vegas is an obvious allusion to Las Vegas Nevada.
  • The line from Penn Jillette "our act really didn't change much when he died" is a joke on how Teller isn't supposed to ever talk.
    • Although he is known to talk on non-broadcasted interviews, or off-screen.


  • Once again, the Nimbus is smaller than usual, in comparison to the Planet Express Ship, and at one point, it even seemed smaller than it.
  • When the crew and Kif escape from Zapp in the final minutes, Kif is wearing his good uniform, but when they go into the wormhole, he is wearing his usual uniform
  • In the scene where The Nimbus gets sliced open, the sufficating soldiers' bodies should be swelling(but not bursting) due to the out-gassing of the moisture within their bodies. The vacuum of space would also cause visible skin damage.
  • The crack in the glass at the end crowd scene changes shape throughout the scene.
  • Bouncing an objective off of a Gas Giant, while theoretically possible at high enough speeds, assuming the theory that they get more solid as you get closer to the core holds true, would significantly reduce the object's speed. The golf ball seemed not to lose any speed. It is also way bigger in proportion to Jupiter than it is to Mars.
  • The Planet Express Ship can travel across the universe in one week. The professor saying that the wormhole would send them far enough away that they don't know if they'll ever come back would mean they'd have to either be sent outside the universe, or to a different universe. If it's the former then that means that the universe is far less than 1 quadrillion light years in diameter (which is known to be false). If it's the latter, it means there is another universe, which is inescapable, within 1 quadrillion miles of the specific wormhole.
    • However, the ship is now using whale oil instead of dark matter which may make it slower. But the ship being slower creates another problem, as, should the series continue, it would require the writers to either limit the scope of any future episodes, or come up with a way to make it faster again.
  • Fry said it was 5 years ago that the Native Martians left the planet, meaning they left in 3004. However they actually left in 3002.
  • The scent of the burnt potato Could not have travelled 100s of 1000s of miles through the vacuum of space to Leo Wong's location, especially not in mere seconds.
    • Additionally, from the rings, Saturn would appear much bigger than it did in the film. It should basically fill the screen. And any part to Saturn's side shouldn't have such a pronounced curve.
    • On top of that, for the sweeper to make such a large gap in the rings it would need to be massive, as in moon-sized or such. It is big, but nowhere near the size it needs be.