Battle of Spheron 1

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Battle of Spheron 1
DOOP army.jpg
LocationSpheron 1
ResultVictory to Earth
Appearance"War Is the H-Word" (2ACV17)
Side ASide B
EarthSpheron 1
President Richard Nixon
Zapp Brannigan
Brain Balls
The DOOP ArmySpheroids
Exploding Balls
DOOP SoldiersSpheroids

The Battle of Spheron 1 was the successful invasion of Spheron 1 by Earth.


The battle began when Earth declared war on Spheron 1 in 3002 to expand its territory in space. The army travelled to the planet in the Nimbus where they prepared and trained for the battle. The soldiers were dropped onto the planet and battled with the brain balls. Many humans and Spheroids were lost in the first few minutes. The Spheriods launched an assault and fired an exploding ball at the troops. In an act of bravery Bender secured the bomb inside his chest cabinet which exploded inside him. President Nixon ordered the doctors to repair Bender and had him promoted. Secretely, while being repaired, however, a bomb is wired up inside Bender's chest cabinet. To end the war, Nixon and Brannigan sent Bender and Henry Kissinger on a mission of peace to talk with the Brain Balls. The DOOP Army evacuated the planet apart from two soldiers (Leela and Fry) who stole a helicopter to foil Nixon's plans to blow up Bender and the Brain Balls. Fry arrived in time and warned Bender to not say the word "ass", which was set to be the trigger word that would detonate the bomb in his chest cabinet. Bender forces the Brain Balls to surrender, who then gave planetary control to Earth.

Additional Info


  • The battle is based on the Battle of Klendathu from the 1997 movie Starship Troopers.
