Neutral President

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Tertiary character
Neutral President
Neutral President.jpg
The Neutral President in the year 3000. [2ACV02]
SpeciesNeutral People
Planet of originThe Neutral Planet
First appearance"Brannigan, Begin Again" (2ACV02)
Voiced byMaurice LaMarche

The Neutral President is the president of the Neutral Planet, and their representative to DOOP. He wants his last words to his wife to be: "Hello". [2ACV02] He has no strong feelings one way or the other. His leadership skills are extremely questionable as when faced with a disastrous situation he simply spends the time pondering the situation, unable to take action due to his neutrality. Like all other Neutral People he is unable to display emotions on his face.

In 3009, he attended the ceremony for the implosion of the violet dwarf star. [ItWGY]

In 3010, he attended the Annual e-Waste Recycling Festival. [6ACV03]

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    Neutral President: I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

    Neutral President: All I know is my gut says maybe.

    Neutral President: If I don't survive, tell my wife, "Hello."
