Waterfall family
The Waterfalls | |
First appearance | "The Problem with Popplers" (2ACV15) |
Current status | Alive |
The Waterfalls are a doomed family of political stereotypes, members of the family never survive past the episode in which they are the focus, generally being killed by that which they protect or something related.
The family
This is a list of Waterfall family members in order of appearance.
Free Waterfall Jr.
- See Free Waterfall Jr..
Appeared: "The Problem with Popplers" (2ACV15)
Affiliation: M.E.A.T.(Mankind for Ethical Animal Treatment).
Quote: "That's an Orangutan, one of Mother Earth's most precious creatures!"
Defended: Popplers/Omicronian young.
Death: Eaten by Lrrr.
Free Waterfall Sr.
- See Free Waterfall Sr..
Relation: Father of Free Waterfall Jr.
Appeared: "The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz" (3ACV05)
Affiliation: Penguins Unlimited.
Quote: "If rubbin' frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey, I don't wanna be right."
Defended: Penguins on Pluto.
Death: Pecked by penguins.
Old Man Waterfall
- See Old Man Waterfall.
Relation: Father of Free Waterfall Sr.
Appeared: "The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz" (3ACV05)
, "A Taste of Freedom" (4ACV05)
Notes: First family member to appear in the episode the previous family member died in. Bigamist, Satanist, bisexual.
Affiliation: Lawyer/war hero.
Quote: "Do your worst, you sea devils. I'll make my stand with Old Freebie. You can crush me but you can't crush my spirit!" [is crushed] "Argh, my spirit"!
Defended: Zoidberg.
Death: Crushed by Decapodian Mobile Oppression Palace.
Free Waterfall III
- See Free Waterfall III.
Relation: Son of Free Waterfall Jr.
Appeared: "Who's Dying To Be A Gazillionaire?" (US#005)
Notes: First family member to die in a comic, first to die at the start of a story.
Affiliation: Game show contestant
Defended: A holographic rainforest.
Death: Shot with a laser for answering a question incorrectly.
Frida Waterfall
- See Frida Waterfall.
Relation: Great-granddaughter of Old Man Waterfall, probably daughter of Free Waterfall Jr.
Appeared: "A Taste of Freedom" (4ACV05)
Notes: First family member to die in the same episode/movie as another family member. First to be killed by the same object as another member.
Affiliation: The Feministas.
Quote: "Great Grandpa nooo! Another victim of the manocentric male-ocracy!"
Defended: Various subjects, but mainly everything threatened by the construction of Leo Wong's miniature golf course.
Death: Killed by the Last Dark One.
Hutch Waterfall
- See Hutch Waterfall.
Relation: Brother of Frida Waterfall
Appeared: Into the Wild Green Yonder
Affiliation: The Legion of Mad Fellows.
Defended: The return of the Chi.
Death: Killed by the last Dark One
The Last Encyclopod
- See The Last Encyclopod.
Relation: Holds the DNA of Hutch Waterfall.
Appeared: Into the Wild Green Yonder
Notes: In the commentary it is noted that the last encyclopod is the last known surviving family member as he holds Waterfall DNA.
Defended: Endangered species
Additional Information
- All family members, including the Encyclopod, are voiced by Phil Hendrie.
- The Waterfalls have only ever appeared in episodes and comics with a 5 in the production code.